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Building Decision Competency

"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas."
"Fortunate is who understands the causes of things." (Virgil)

Precise decision-making across all levels of an organization must assume its appropriate place in the overall value creation chain.

In its search for value creation, an organization with true decision competency relishes coping with difficult and complex questions and uses decision-making approaches to craft both competitive and cooperative business strategies and to predict the outcome of strategic interactions.

Decision competency enables decision makers to address the true nature of the problem and at hand with appropriate skills, tools and processes decide timely and accurately.

A good decision is only the first step in value creation - it creates value potential that cannot become real value until executed effectively.

The decision-making processes involve the right people contributing in ways that will most help the organization achieve:

     » clarity
     » alignment
     » commitment to action

Strategic thinking and decision-making competencies of employees on all levels of an organization need to be developed systematically not only to be able to incorporate strategy insights in leading business operations, but also to engage their subordinates to generate and communicate strategy insights and thus support the overall quality of decisions made.

For further insights about the framework and roadmap for building decision competency, please, contact us.

Building Decision Competency – Value

Organizational decision competency ensures capturing high levels of value in decision situations.

The value is created and captured by:

     » making faster, smarter, more insightful and creative strategic decisions
     » achieving clear line-of-sight
     » taking smart risks, passing on the others

Organization with true decision competency implements decisions more quickly, with lasting change due to:

     » smarter choices made
     » achieved alignment and commitment to action
     » no wasted effort "reworking" decisions

By systematic and staged building of decision competency, significant value drivers are established:

     » an understanding across all levels of organization of what a high-quality decision is
     » a set of common expectations and language
     » organizational structures designed to support and accommodate unbiased decision-making
     » effective behaviors by decision makers who are much better prepared for decision review board meetings and able to engage in effective decision dialog

The organization is thus better prepared for addressing content, organizational and analytical complexity, analyze complex decision situations under conditions of significant uncertainty, avoid inconsistent, irrational approaches, and cognitive biases and set up processes that foster effective engagement.

As a consequence, the company gains stronger competitive position.

Please, contact us, and we will arrange a personal meeting, where we will together discuss and draw the value proposition of building decision competency in your organization.


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