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Strategy Alignment

"da locum melioribus"
"Give way to your betters." (Terence)

Complexity and uncertainty of today's business environment places a premium on strategy — not just on having a good one today but also on being able to adapt it continuously.

A well-crafted and well-executed strategy allows a company to earn above-average profits in its industry over the long term. When a strategy succeeds, it seems a little like magic - unknowable and unexplainable in advance but obvious in retrospect.

Conceptually, crafting of winning strategy requires:

     » hard thinking
     » real creativity
     » courage
     » personal leadership

However, a brilliant strategy may put you on the competitive map, but only solid execution keeps you there. An organization's real strategy is the portfolio of strategic initiatives in which it invests. A portfolio-of-initiatives approach to strategy can help ensure that company takes full advantage of its best opportunities without taking unnecessary risks.

Strategy today has to align itself to the fluid nature of external environment. Strategic initiatives need to be managed in conformity with strategy insights that are relevant and meaningful in real-time.

Executives can use the following fundamental building blocks to influence effective and efficient strategy execution:

     » clarifying decision rights
     » designing information flows
     » properly assessing good and bad risks

For further insights about the framework and roadmap for achieving strategy alignment, please, contact us.

Strategy Alignment – Value

Today's business environment presents unprecedented opportunities to companies that can craft and implement sustainable strategies for building market share.

Systematically developed discipline of strategic thinking and practice across all levels of an organization will deliver value in:
     » identifying the competitive forces that drive industry structure
     » forecasting industry evolution
     » analyzing competitor goals, assumptions, capabilities, and strategies
     » identifying and enhancing sources of value and competitive advantage
     » choosing the best competitive strategy for respective industries
     » ensuring that organization can execute its strategy
     » measuring progress and addressing misalignment
     » recognizing when strategy should, should not, or cannot be changed
     » cascading overall strategy to the strategies of its individual business and functional units
     » translating strategy into operational terms/objectives

Staged development of strategy alignment will equip company with concepts, processes and practical tools needed to crafting and executing a winning strategy – a strategy that serves customers better and enables company to compete more successfully.

Company will have a clear and defined approach to strategy, a thinking process that will enable individual managers to effectively make clearer and harder choices.

That process and the approach to strategy that underpins it, is what makes a difference.

As a consequence, strategy alignment ensures that the company:
     » does the right strategic initiatives

     » conducts these initiatives right
     » and continually reviews risks and realign resources

Please, contact us, and we will arrange a personal meeting, where we will together discuss and draw the value proposition of achieving strategy alignment in your organization.


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